When one speaks about sore throat, one means throat/pharynx inflammation (pharyngitis) and/or inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) and/or inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords (laryngitis).
Pharynx is part of the throat between the tonsils and vocal cords (in the larynx). It protects lower respiratory pathways, conducts air from the nasal and oral cavity into the lower respiratory tract, participates in the swallowing process and enables articulated speech. Due to its constant exposure to external influences, it possesses a very developed lymph tissue which represents ‘’the first line of defense’’ in case of penetration of microorganisms from the environment.
Pharyngitis is usually a lighter disease than tonsillitis, and both diseases are often simply called ‘’acute sore throat’’. However, pharyngitis can also occur without an infection – it can be caused by physical or chemical irritations, e.g., cigarette smoke, alcohol, or excessive use of the voice. Permanent infection or chronic pharyngitis occurs when chronic infection of the neighboring organs – usually the respiratory system, sinuses, or mouth– is spread onto the larynx.
Throat inflammation is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor during wintertime, but it also occurs in summer. It occurs in both sexes and all ages. Throat inflammation affects 15-20% of adults at least once a year. It occurs much more frequently in children. In preschool-age children the pharynx inflammation causative agent is more often of virus origin and bacterial infections are somewhat more frequent in adults.
As they are mostly caused by viruses, throat inflammations and sore throat most frequently occurs part of acute viral inflammation of the upper respiratory pathways, accompanied by stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, etc.
General local symptoms, in addition to sore throat, are pricking, scratching, burning, painful and/or difficult swallowing, irritating cough, feeling of dryness in the mouth and throat, enlarged tonsils and hoarseness in case of spreading of the inflammation onto the larynx. They are often accompanied by general symptoms, such as loss of appetite, general weakness, and elevated temperature.
Viral and bacterial infections are spread in the same way, namely: by sneezing/coughing, close contact, handshake, sharing common objects with the affected person, contact with saliva of the affected person etc.
Most people with sore throat do not report to a doctor, and various OTC medicines and self-treatment preparations are available.
Lysobact® compressed lozenges, Lysobact Spray® and Lysobact Complete Spray® act against inflammation agents (bacteria, viruses, and fungi), alleviate the symptoms and the inflammatory process and help the oral and throat mucosa lesions heal. Lysobact® protects the oral and throat mucosa and strengthens the local immune response.
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